
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Week 1 of Haiti.

Today marks my one week of being in Haiti, although to me it seems I have been here much longer. Sometimes the days seem so long. I would assume that is because the heat, but by no means am I complaining about that. I love the warm temperature and beautiful sun. I always seem so much more alive and ready to take on the day when its warm and sunny out. 
I am now beginning to get into somewhat of a routine. Every week Monday through Friday at 10:15-10:55 I do exercise with the kids in the school. I havent yet mentioned that where I live there is a school attached. The orphanage children as well as kids from the community and church attend this school. It is grades k-6. This is also where I will begin teaching about hygiene next week. I am shooting for teaching on Wednesdays mid week to give the actual teachers a little bit of a break. Just some of the topics we will be going over the first few weeks are listed below.
  • Brushing your teeth (how you do it, why you need to do it and what happens if dont.)
  • The importance of showering twice a day ( how, why & what )
  • Washing your hands periodically and most importantly before you eat ( how, why & what )
  • Cleanliness in your everyday living 
  • The proper way to take care of cuts and scrapes ( How, why & what )
  • The importance of drinking clean water ( why & what )
Also every Sunday evening I will be leading a children's church here in the orphanage while the adults from the community attend a bible study/ church that Pastor Maula leads. I am very excited to see how this goes. I have never taught before nor have I ever preached to children so this will be a learning and growing experience for me as well as the kids. I am sure your all wondering if I speak creole and if not how do I plan on getting these kids to listen and understand me... The answer to the question is no I do not speak creole (yet) and I will be having Pastor Maula's son translate for me on Sunday evenings and on Wednesday's Pastor Maula's nephew will be translating. 

So please be praying for me as I jump into these new adventures.

This past week has like I said been slow just trying to figure out every ones routine around me. Where I can be used and where I will be most effective. 

Monday through Friday I wake the kids up at 5:30am to start getting ready for school. I know me up at 5:30 crazy right? Honestly it is not bad, I think that is because I go to bed much earlier here then I do at home and really I havent fallen in a deep sleep since I have been here. I think that is just me getting used to all the noises at night. Trucks honking, people singing or playing music all through the night roosters crowing, goats moaning and dogs barking those are all the sounds of Haiti! I am sure when I leave to go back home I will miss those sounds.

Well I know this blog was not too interesting and somewhat short but I will wright again here in a couple of weeks. Hopefully then I will have more news to share and stories tell. 

Oh one funny story I have was my first night here all the girls slept in the room with me well the baby (woodlay) slept longer then all of us so I went to wake him and I carried him out of the room to find that poop from his diaper squirted out on to my arm!!! ahhh if you all know me I am not okay with those kind of things poop is where I draw the line lol I dont even wipe my own nephews butts but I played it cool and just handed him over =) haha


  1. I am praying for you sweet lady - especially for restful sleep and no more baby poop! Sooooo proud of you. I can't wait to hear what God does with you while you are there. Love ya!

  2. OMG I love this Blog stuff I can't believe i thought this was so hard to get on, well I now have an account and can write to you often after your blogs. It was definatly not boring. I am so excited about the beds I will see Teddy in church this sunday and tell her to get material for the curtains. I pray sweet baby for a good nights sleep for God to close your ears to the outside noises and think only of sleep so you can be refreshed and ready to do his work in the morning. Kiss all the children for me. Love you my beautiful Haitian Girl!!!!!!!

  3. Are you kidding me. This is so cool and inspiring. I bet the kids just attract to your smile and the bright aura that you have around you. They are very fortunate to have you teaching them these essential things most of us take for granted every day. We love you girl and think about you every day. Just sent you some mulla.

  4. Uncle mike thank you so much
    I love you with all my heart and miss you
    ill be calling you guys soon!!!
